Friday, January 31, 2014

31 January 2014

1245pm. Headless portrait photo shoot with Kelly Craige (preview). Edited Using Camera+.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

30 January 2014

1245pm. Sunflower and flag decor in my apartment. Edited using Whitagram and Instagram, Brannan filter.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

29 January 2014

1245pm. My friend Ines bundled up from the cold at the metro 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

28 January 2014

1245pm. I love interior design and interesting eclectic items like this really cool turquoise stool in my apartment.  Edited using Instagram, X-Pro filter. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What interests me

Yoga & mindfulness are two huge interests of mine. This is my friend Becca, graciously posing in warrior. Edited using Camera+.

My nephew Patrick Braedan. The cutest three month old. Edited using Camera Awesome. 
My handsome boyfriend who did not want his picture taken. Edited using Photoshop Express.

Running & hot pink Nike sneakers. Edited using Photoshop Express.

Drinks and delicious food with friends. Edited using Photoshop Express.

21 January 2014

1245pm. Snow day roommate yoga session.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

15 January 2014

1245pm. My daily three miles. 

14 January 2014

1245pm. Walking the steps to Oboyle Hall, Basilica in sight. 

Inspiring photographs

I would love to visit this park in Sevilla, Spain someday. The architectural detail is so interesting. 

I took this picture in Chicago, Illinois at my sister's bachelorette party. I remember falling in love with this city and all the beautiful historic buildings and skyscrapers.

This moment is so intimate and delicate. I love the tenderness revealed in the bones and wrinkles of the hands and facial features. 

This is an awesome shot of an active volcano meeting the ocean.

I love this unique photograph of a giraffe, the emotion displayed in the eye, and the blurriness of the background. 

My hometown of Ligonier, Pennsylvania is so rural and quiet. The sunset behind the rolling hills is one of my favorite views.

I love how the trees create a hollow for the road. The grayness in this photograph feels as cold as the snow. 

Why Cell Phone Photography

Cell phone photography allows beautiful moments and idyllic scenery to be uniquely captured and forever remembered with the ease and readiness of a press of a button. Through this class, I hope to become more creative with the picture taking process and learn different skills and techniques to enhance my already acquired love for photo opps on Friday nights, beach vacations, lifetime milestones, and touristy locals in day to day life.